Privacy Notice

JAH OLAM, S.A. DE C.V. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company"), with a registered address for the purpose of receiving notifications at the property identified as premises 42, 43, and 44 of the corporate building conventionally known as "Terramar," located in lot nine, block three hundred twenty-nine, zone one, in Playa del Carmen, municipality of Solidaridad, State of Quintana Roo, as the corporation responsible for the use of data provided by our website visitors or individuals who contact us by telephone or through any audiovisual means or who trust in the hiring of our goods or services, or in relation to data that may be obtained by the Company through cookies or web beacons (see the section "Cookies, Web Beacons, and Third-Party Links" below for more detail), in compliance with the legislation on the protection of personal data held by the Company, obtained through any of the aforementioned scenarios, we hereby inform you, through this notice, about the data, purposes, processing, deadlines, and procedures that should be followed in case you wish to limit or revoke the use of the personal data provided.


In light of the above, we kindly request that you carefully read this notice. 

I. In principle, anyone can browse our website without providing their personal data. However, there are certain sections within it where you can voluntarily provide your data, such as in the following examples: (i) when sending us an email, (ii) when registering with us through our website to receive information of your interest, (iii) as well as the data you provide to us when contracting our products or services, or (iv) when entering into a contract with us to provide a service or product, whether for an employment or commercial relationship.

The personal data that we may collect belongs to the following categories:

II. Personal data of minors and incapacitated individuals:

The Company is committed to the privacy of personal data concerning minors and incapacitated individuals. Therefore, we do not intentionally collect or process personal data of minors or incapacitated individuals unless such data is provided with the express consent of their parents, guardians, or legal representatives. If you are a parent, guardian, or legal representative of a minor or incapacitated individual and you become aware that their personal data has been provided to us without consent, you may request the removal of such data by contacting us at the following email address:

III. Purposes of personal data usage.

We may use your personal data for various purposes, as listed below, depending on the specific circumstances in which it is collected, in accordance with our relationship with you and the specific privacy notice that may have been provided to you, if applicable.

  • The primary and essential purposes are as follows:

  1. Control access and maintain security in our facilities when you visit them.

  2. Respond to your inquiries and comments, establish a legal relationship, and stay in contact with you when you reach out to us.

  3. Establish contact with you and consider you in a recruitment and selection process if you decide to submit a job application with personal data, such as your curriculum vitae.

  4. Allow you access to your profile and site features exclusively developed for users, and personalize the functions of your user account when you register as a user.

  • The secondary purposes, which are important and useful for providing you with better service, are as follows:

  1. Evaluation and tracking of your visits.

  2. Offering products, services, and promotions through email.

  3. Offering products, services, and promotions through email.

  4. Sharing your data with third parties interested in buying or mediating the properties you wish to market through us.

  5. Sharing your data with clients as a reference for the successful service we provide.

  6. Sharing your data on our website regarding the properties you authorize us to mediate in their commercialization.

Your personal data may be used for purposes that are compatible with those described above and may be considered analogous.

IV. Cookies, web beacons:

When you browse our website, certain non-personal information is collected through cookies and server logs or web beacons. This information is obtained through the simple use and interaction with our website and may consist of internet protocol addresses, your operating system, browser type, information about your location (provided by mobile devices), and the path you follow during your time on our site.

Such data is collected solely for the following purposes: (i) to generate statistics related to visits to our website, the time spent on it, and the referring sites that may have brought you to ours; (ii) to maintain and update user profiles; and (iii) to tailor or personalize the information provided through this website or through communication with us via any audiovisual medium.

It is possible to disable these tracking technologies in all types of browsers using the following procedures:

  • For Internet Explorer (on Windows):

  1. For Internet Explorer (on Windows):

  2. Expand the menu bar with the Alt key (if it is not visible).

  3. In the Tools menu, select Internet Options.

  4. Go to the Privacy tab.

  5. Click on the Advanced button.

  6. Uncheck the box that says "Override automatic cookie handling."

  7. Uncheck the boxes for "First-party cookies" and "Third-party cookies."

  8. Uncheck the box for "Always allow session cookies."

  9. Click the OK button (Advanced Privacy Settings window).

  10. Click the OK button (Internet Options window).

  • Firefox

  1. Open Firefox.

  2. Expand the menu bar with the Alt key (if it is not visible).

  3. In the Tools menu, select Options.

  4. Click on the Privacy tab.

  5. Under the History section, in the Firefox option, choose "Use custom settings for history."

  6. Uncheck the box for "Accept cookies."

  7. Click the OK button.

  • Google Chrome

  1. Open Google Chrome.

  2. Expand the menu on the right side and select Settings.

  3. Click on the "Advanced" link.

  4. In the Privacy section, click on "Content settings."

  5. Under the Cookies section, select "Block third-party cookies" and "Block site data."

  6. Click the OK button.

  7. Close the window to finish.

  • Opera

  1. Open Opera.

  2. Expand the menu with the Alt key (if it is not visible).

  3. From the Settings menu, select Options.

  4. Click on the Cookies option.

  5. Click the OK button.

  • Safari en Mac

  1. Open Safari.

  2. In the Safari menu, go to Preferences.

  3. Click on the Security tab.

  4. Uncheck the box for "Enable location services" to disable web beacons.

  5. Select "Never" to disable cookies.

  6. Close the window to finish.

For more information on this topic, please visit

V. Third-Party Links:

Our website may contain links to other websites for your convenience, for which the Company has not reviewed their corresponding privacy notices. Therefore, the Company neither guarantees nor takes responsibility for the privacy policies of your personal data on such websites.

Therefore, we invite you to carefully read the privacy notice of each of the websites you visit on the internet.

Please note that when you click on social media icons or similar buttons, your information will be automatically transmitted to those websites, such as the "Like" button on Facebook, which directly transmits the information to that company.

VI. Transfer of Personal Data:

The Company will safeguard your personal data based on the principles of legality, quality, consent, information, purpose, loyalty, proportionality, and responsibility established in the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals and the Regulation of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Law").

The Company may transfer your personal data to third parties with whom it maintains a legal relationship, solely for the purposes described in the privacy notice.

The Company may also transfer your personal data in cases specifically provided for by law.

VII. Security Measures:

The Company has adopted and maintains the necessary administrative, technical, and physical security measures to protect your personal data against damage, loss, alteration, destruction, unauthorized use, access, or processing.

VIII. Rights regarding your personal data:

As the owner of your personal data, you can exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition (ARCO Rights) before the data controller of the Company, which is indicated below.

To provide you with a more detailed description of your ARCO rights, the following are briefly described:

  1. Access right: You have the right to be informed about which of your personal data is contained in the Company's databases, how such personal data is used, its origin, the communications made with it, and, in general, the conditions and generalities of the processing.

  2. Access right: You have the right to be informed about which of your personal data is contained in the Company's databases, how such personal data is used, its origin, the communications made with it, and, in general, the conditions and generalities of the processing.

  3. Cancellation right: You have the right to have your personal data fully or partially removed from the Company's databases when you consider that they are not being processed in accordance with the principles and obligations established by the Law.

  4. Opposition right: You have the right to object, for legitimate reasons, to the processing of your personal data.

Furthermore, in the event that you decide to exercise your ARCO rights at any time, revoke your authorization for the use of your personal data, or limit the use of your data for the secondary purposes of the Company listed above in this notice, or limit the disclosure of your data, we kindly request that you send your request to the following email address: , and include in the corresponding request each and every requirement provided by law, as listed below, in order to promptly respond to your request as detailed later:

The requirements of the request mentioned in the preceding paragraph are as follows:

  1. Name of the data subject.

  2. Address or other means to communicate the response (If this requirement is not met, the request will be deemed as not submitted).

  3. Documents proving the identity of the data subject (identification issued by the National Electoral Institute "INE," passport, military card, or professional identification card).

In case of acting through a legal representative, it will be necessary, in addition to the document listed above, for the legal representative to attach a power of attorney that accredits such representation and any of the identifications listed above to prove their identity.

  1. A clear and precise description of the personal data for which you seek to exercise the ARCO rights, revoke the authorization, or limit the use of the aforementioned secondary purposes described in paragraphs above in this notice.

  2. Any other element or documentation that facilitates the location of the personal data.

Once we receive your request, we will have 20 (twenty) business days from the date of its receipt to notify you of the determination adopted, which, if appropriate, will be effective within 15 (fifteen) business days from the date the response was notified.

Please note that if the request is insufficient or erroneous, the deadline indicated in the preceding paragraph will be interrupted, and you will have a period of 5 (five) business days from the date of receipt of the request to be informed of the requirement to complement or rectify the error. In this case, you will have a period of 10 (ten) business days to address such requirement. If not addressed, the request will be deemed as not submitted.

Regarding requests for access to your personal data, simple copies will be provided free of charge, and you will only cover the shipping expenses or the costs of reproduction for the issuance of simple copies or electronic documents, upon accreditation of the data subject or legal representative.

If you have any doubts regarding your ARCO rights, how to exercise them, or the aforementioned procedure, please contact the responsible party for personal data of the Company at the email address indicated in the "Contact" section of this privacy notice.

IX. Modifications to the privacy notice:

The Company reserves the right to modify this privacy notice in the future.

Any substantial modifications to this notice will be communicated to you through publication on our website

Furthermore, the Company will not be responsible if you do not read the notification of changes to this privacy notice.

X. Contact:

If you have any questions or comments regarding the privacy notice, please contact the personal data protection department via the following email address: or in writing to the address indicated for hearing and notifications in the first paragraph of this communication.

XI. Improper handling of your personal data:

If you believe that your right to the protection of personal data has been violated by any conduct of the Company or if you suspect any violation of the provisions established by the Law in the processing of your personal data, you may file the corresponding complaint or report with the National Institute for Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI).

For more information on this topic, we invite you to visit the website of the INAI, which is as follows: fvf.

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